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Location: Newark, Ohio, United States

Lead pastor of the Newark Ohio Church of the Nazarene

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Call

So I have been thinking a lot lately about my "call." Some have called it a calling but for me it was a clear call that I had to respond to. Somewhere into what should have been my Junior year of college, I found myself working in a meat processing plant in Cincinnati Ohio. I had left school and thought I would make a good manager in this family run business.
For some reason, I was miserable and I began to realize that God would be willing to use me if I would surrender my gifts and life to Him. My first step was to go back to school and finish my undergrad education.
What a life it has been. I could have never dreamed that God would open the doors that He has opened in the last 24 years! It is an incredible thing to be in the "people business." To stand each week in a place where God gives you something that will be meaningful to share with others and promote their (and my) spiritual growth. To work each day encouraging and helping people connect to Jesus Christ and each other in community is an awesome privilege.
I can't imagine doing anything else. Preaching, teaching, leading, casting vision, loving and empowering people, growing other leaders and seeing people's lives changed is indeed a noble and humbling calling. I am very thankful that somehow I pushed through my weaknesses, insecurities, and fear to follow God's leading into His work. I am glad that I not only received a call but that somehow I found the courage to answer that call.