Life is full of opportunities! This week I spend a couple of days at a conference in Kansas City. There were about 5000 Nazarene and at least a thousand of them were university students. It is nice to know that you can't pick a Nazarene out in a crowd anymore. (Well. . .some you can!)
Among other duties, I presented two workshops including one on Worship Design. It was fun representing our church and what God has called us to be and do. Here are a few pictures from this event.
I also addressed a couple of dinner meetings about the Assessment Centers for church planters that I facilitate. There are a growing number of men and women in ministry who feel that starting a church is their only option. I don't know what will happen some day to the churches who have refused to change to minister to the culture. Someday they will run out of retired guys who are willing to do maintenance ministry. (oxymoron)
I am also including a picture from Union Station where Tevis, John and I took in the Dead Sea Scrolls which were on display.
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