I wonder where all the people have gone who were declaring the Republican party to be the party of true believers. The sad thing about politics is politicians. Politicians are humans who want a position so badly that they will often do anything to get it. They will say the right things and endorse the right things and then low and behold you find out that they are a facade.
There is no "Christian" party and I get really weary at election time of people who try to promote a political party as the only one a true Christ follower should vote for. The two major parties in our world are very sad and filled with weak leadership. I believe in the process and I will vote whenever given the chance but I sure don't know how to endorse one party over the other.
I endorse the Christian faith. We have no flag. We have no army. We have no headquarters or white house. We don't even have a mascot unless you count the towel and basin of water as our symbol. Maybe a cup of cold water could be our symbol.
Today I read these words, "Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God's place in your hearts." I John 5:21
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