A friend of mine recently suggested the book, Breaking the missional Code. What an affirmation this reading has been. There are times when leading a church like Newark Naz. can feel very unique in a world of churches that for the most part are very much alike. We are different on purpose. We are not perfect. We are working everyday to make our church more effective and efficient at carrying out the mission Christ left the church to do.
Reading this book has affirmed the fact that we are on the right track and that God is doing the same thing in other churches around the country. I believe in my heart that for whatever reason God is allowing us to be ahead of the American church culture curve in leading people to work where He is working. Jesus has always worked where religious people are the most uncomfortable. In His day it cost Him His life. I believe with all my heart that Jesus would be in trouble today if He were walking this earth again. I think the average church member in America would not be happy with Jesus and His actions in reaching the culture.
I thank God for the opportunity to partner with Christ in touching lives and leading others to do the same. The authors of this book wrote that we should: Live like Jesus lived, Love like Jesus loved and Leave behind what Jesus left behind. Sounds like a good sermon series to me! Stay tuned. . .
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