My Photo
Location: Newark, Ohio, United States

Lead pastor of the Newark Ohio Church of the Nazarene

Monday, April 23, 2007

Saturday Night Blues

This Saturday evening I ventured out beyond the walls of my comfortable family room, (an ironic term considering that I sit in this room by myself 98% of the time) and the relative ease of my favorite chair for an evening of friendship and great blues music.

What you are looking at in the picture is the cafe located in the Vineyard on Cooper Road in Columbus. Jerry Loos and his band were just incredible and I hope to go back again. It was fun being with Tim B. and John B. and just hanging out. WARNING: Use moderation when drinking the low-carb ice drinks at this cafe.

Another Saturday evening monumental event was the crowning of the Granville Christian Academy Spring Formal Queen. My daughter came home with a tiara on her head but somehow I missed it at 11:45 at night so I was told about it at church on Sunday by someone else! That's the way love goes I guess.

Today I spent most of my day in the office and I enjoyed every minute of it. Sometimes it is a gift to have a day of uninterrupted work. Well I am rambling so I will quit for the night and try to find something deep and philosophical to write about next time.

Oh by the way this Sunday we are going to take a look at murder and anger from Jesus perspective. It might be a good idea to go ahead and start dealing with any unresolved conflicts, hatred or contempt for others you have laying around! Don't say you weren't warned. (smile)