My Photo
Location: Newark, Ohio, United States

Lead pastor of the Newark Ohio Church of the Nazarene

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Thursday and Friday of this week I had to be in Ontario California. Because it was lightening and pouring on Thursday morning when I left I did not go back and retrieve the camera from the car. I did have access to a car yesterday afternoon and a couple of hours of free time. No camera, no pictures but I will add a couple from the Internet.

This first one is typical of much of Ontario. Palm Trees and Mountains. I love these mountains. I did drive about 25 miles to the base of one and it was a neighborhood so I drove as far up the mountain as I could and then returned to the hotel. There is something about the west that has always been appealing to me. I am sitting in Phoenix as I write this, waiting on my flight home. It has been delayed by an hour much to the dismay of the Buckeyes fans who are now standing in line demanding another flight so they can make the game!! I am sort of ashamed that I am from Ohio at this present moment. Game of the century or jerk of the century? Maybe both.

On the way into Ontario I saw a raceway from the plane and then in dawned on me. It was Fontana, home of the Nascar race. It has been a quick trip but as always I am ready to be home. Looking forward to being thankful at church tomorrow.
The picture at the right is where the board meeting took place that I was here for.